Why Full-Body Treatment is the Best Choice

At Kinetic Chain we know the best way to treat an athlete's problems is to address the entire body.

Why? Because just about every movement an athlete performs is complex, involving multiple moving parts, and each part of the body is connected. The more complex the movement is (say a snatch or a golf swing), the more muscles are involved in an interconnected fashion.

By and large, force transfer in the body begins at the feet (where we are connected to the ground) and is transmitted throughout the body based on the task.

So what happens when there's dysfunction in the movement chain? Typically it has ramifications both up and down the kinetic chain. The human body has an amazing capacity to compensate through movement and it absolutely will do so to accomplish whatever task you put to it.

For example, if you try to perform a Snatch (or even an Overhead squat) and your hips are too tight to keep you upright, what happens? Typically your shoulders will have to work harder and through a greater range of motion in order to keep the weight over your center of gravity. So your hips prevent you from keeping your torso upright, it begins to incline, and your arms must move further behind the head to keep the weight centered.

Now if you have shoulder pain in the snatch it very well could be the result of compensation for some other dysfunction in the body such as the hips knees or ankles.  This is just one example, but the concept applies to every athletic movement.

We can treat the site of your complaint only, and can certainly have an effect on the pain or dysfunction. However, it is far more likely to re-occur since we did not address potential other causes of it. But if we treat the entire movement chain, we can better solve your problems and have a much more lasting effect. Additionally this brings light to other issues that you as an athlete may have been unaware  and revealing it to you lets can help you address it in your training as well.

So we address your issues by looking at your body as an entire unit to better resolve your problems and keep all of you healthy.  Added bonus, keeping the rest of your body healthy will have a positive impact on overall performance!

Jay Itagaki